
Horror games are an addictive genre that aims to instill a sense of fear, the unknown, and unease. They often include elements such as atmospheric scenery, eerie sound design, dim lighting, and disturbing visuals in the game to create a dark atmosphere.

Also, it’s important to note that horror games come in many different sub-genres, including survival, psychological, and supernatural nightmare, each offering a distinct flavor of dread. Some notable examples of popular game series turn on Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Outlast, and Alien: Isolation.

Feel a shiver run through your body

With a rich narrative and intricate storyline, you will find yourself in a vulnerable position and will be taken to grim and mysterious worlds where you have to navigate through a treacherous environment, avoiding or facing terrible forces lurking in the shadows.
They can be in the form of terrifying monsters, crazy enemies, or even paranormal creatures. And also solve mysteries and strange riddles, look for clues and manage a limited resource.

Immerse yourself in an unforgettable journey into the unknown, where someone lurks around every corner. Gather courage and challenge your deepest fears as you travel through dangerous places and engage in heart-rending battles!